Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part B


Bibliography: Public Domain Editions Mahabharata: The Story of Nalayani

This story is about a past incarnation of Draupadi. She essentially has five husbands and hears the story from Vyasa as to why. 

Once upon a time, a woman named Nalayani had obtained herself a husband. They were happy together and shared many of life's special moments together. Then one day, her husband, Maudgalya felt that he was tired of his marriage, "felt that he had enough of the pleasures of youth and betook himself to divine meditation and tapas." He ultimately left her to himself. He told her that she would be reborn as the daughter of King Drupada and have five husbands. Nalayani felt this was unsatisfying and called to Shankara. He told her that she will be reborn as a high class woman with five notable husbands. Nalayani felt this was so absurd because of the multiple husbands and asked for her virginity for each husband. This was granted to her.


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