Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata: Part A

 Epified Mahabharata 

Bibliography: Epified Mahabharata: Part A

King Shantanu of Hastinapur marrys the river goddess Ganga. He proposes and marries her. She had an arrangement with him that he would never question her choices. When they had a child, Ganga drowned it, and drowned the next 6 children. However, when the 8th child was born he could not be silent and questioned her, and she left him.

Sixteen years later after they split, he goes back to the river to find Ganga. He finds a man named Devavrat who he finds out his is last son, and brings him back home with him. Shantanu eventually falls in love with a fisherman's daughter but is unable to marry her because her father does not want her to come second to Devavrat. So Devavrat tries to reason with the father and vows to never marry or have children for his fathers happiness. When the prince reunited his father with the woman, Shantanu felt uneasy with the vow but granted to his son to be able to choose when he dies.


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